29 Best Fat Burning Foods to Include in Your Diet

By Hannah de Gruchy / Nutrition / February 17th, 2019

Losing weight is a question of burning more calories than we consume, but we can also increase our fat burning capability by boosting our metabolic rate. There are many “fat-burning” supplements available, but some are unsafe and others are ineffective. What’s more, some contain ingredients that are extracted from common foods – so could we simply change our diet to help us burn more fat? It turns out, yes, we can! But does that mean sticking to a boring diet? Not necessarily…

The concept of dieting has been around for decades and there are an overwhelming number of different diets, all promising the Holy Grail of fat and weight loss. Many diets may be effective (on paper) for fat burn and weight loss, but they’re often so restrictive, that they’re difficult to stick to.

So it’s clear, we need an alternative to dieting. Sticking to a few principles on the best foods to eat for weight loss could be enough to improve your long-term health and encourage healthy, sustainable weight loss. Some foods and drinks have been shown to increase our metabolism and encourage fat loss, so here’s 29 foods that we should be incorporating into our weekly diets…


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